Zero Waste Magnetic Island (ZWMI)
Zero Waste Magnetic Island has a vision of making our Island carbon neutral as possible in terms of waste creation and disposal.
This Working Group has been operating since 2018 and their intention is to do all that they can to make our Island home sustainable and become zero waste by reducing landfill, saving energy and resources, lessening the impact of climate change and offering sustainable alternatives to our local residents and visitors to the Island.
ZWMI engage and work collaboratively with stakeholders, such as Townsville City Council, Boomerang Alliance/Plastic Free Townsville, other MICDA projects like Reef Assist, with the Traditional Wulgurukaba custodians, Sealink, the local state school and day care centre, and other Island groups.
ZWMI are passionate about engaging with the community and providing information both online and in person to Magnetic Island residents, visitors and businesses.
Zero Waste always has a number of projects on the go. If you'd like to be hands-on working towards zero waste, come to one of their informal meetings, or visit their website and Facebook page for more information.
Julie Woodlock
E: zerowastemi@gmail.com
Adriana Labante
E: bizadvisorzerowastemicda@gmail.com
P: 0420 507 566
Find Zero Waste Magnetic Island online!
You'll find some excellent zero waste ideas of what and where to recycle on Magnetic Island at zerowastemi.org.au
ZWMI have got some great ideas and projects to get us to a sustainable and zero waste Island. Everyone can make a difference, even if it's just one little step - it will be one in the right direction.
Help support our Zero Waste team 10c at a time
Simply drop off your recyclable 10c containers to the Return-IT pod at Bottiger Street in Nelly Bay (behind the school, off Mandalay Avenue) and use the code below to support Zero Waste Magnetic Island. They'll really appreciate your support!
The Zero Waste Return-It Pod code is C10196546
refill for free
find an emergency defibrillator
recycle your waste
support plastic-free businesses.
Map 1. Shows locations of where you can refill your water bottle with free drinking water - look for the Water on Tap stickers.
Map 2. AED's shows locations on Magnetic Island where you'll find emergency Defibrillators (AED). Call 000, start CPR immediately, shock with AED. Every minute counts. Know where your AED's are located.
Map 3. Shows locations of where you can recycle your waste.
Map 4. Shows plastic-free businesses around Magnetic Island who you can support.
What has ZWMI been up to?
We have achieved great things in raising awareness of the need to be more mindful of our waste.
Our achievements since inception include:
Zero Waste Survey in 2019.
Community Action Planning Workshop 2019.
Production of the educational video for preschool children 'Little Things Matter'.
Creation of Zero Waste Magnetic Island information website and Facebook page.
Newsletter published both on our website and Facebook pages.
Establishment of a Containers For Change weekly Island collection and 24/7 collection pod.
Threads Workshops for textile creations and repair and a Threads Facebook page.
Water On Tap project, highlighting the fact that Townsville tap water is safe to drink, with a user friendly map showing the many locations around Magnetic Island where you can fill up for free, and you don't have to buy single-use plastic bottles.
2021 Zero Waste Exhibition "Don't Waste Christmas", with great ideas for gifts and cards.
Monthly information stall at the Horseshoe Bay Markets, and distribution of reusable mesh produce bags to replace plastic bags - made by our small band of volunteers.
Worked with MICDA to secure funding and support via the Reef Assist Program and Townsville City Council for the establishment of a Bio-ReGen unit on the Island for the processing of food waste and plant material. A trial for food waste has been established at Horseshoe Bay.
Zero Waste Workshop in May 2023 with stakeholders such as Townsville City Council to work towards a Zero Waste strategy for Magnetic Island. Presentation by Australia’s leading expert in Waste Anne Prince on Magnetic Island.
The "Island Magic - Positive Future?" tapestry which was hand stitched and woven from marine debris by the Ghost Net Collective (a subgroup of Zero Waste Magnetic Island), was hung in at the Nelly Bay Ferry terminal in September 2023.
Encouraged Zero Wasters to make short videos of their efforts at home and publish them on the Zero Waste Facebook page.
Information presentations by Working Group Coordinator Julie Woodlock, and stalls at Island meetings such as the Magnetic Island Residents and Ratepayers Association (MIRRA), U3A, and events such as the Magnetic Island Easter Fair, as well as the Magnetic Island State School.
ZWMI always has projects on the go to help achieve our aims. Projects are often subject to funding and to volunteer capacity:
With the guidance of an expert, a coordinator, and Townsville City Council, ZWMI aims to lead a community created strategy for Magnetic Island to reduce as much of its waste going into landfill as possible so the Island becomes a zero waste island within a decade.
Develop and implement a zero waste policy to apply to major events such as festivals, fairs, markets etc., that are held on the Island.
Develop recycling kits, and encourage holiday rental providers to include these kits in properties with the message to holiday makers - "DON'T WASTE MAGNETIC ISLAND"
Establish sustainable plastic lid collection and sorting on the Island.
Offer household assessments and education to help people get closer to zero waste in their homes.
Work with Magnetic Island businesses to help them to transition to zero waste.
Encouraging gardening on the verge.
Develop a Junk Festival on Magnetic Island in 2024 that includes a fashion show created from junk and rubbish which otherwise would make its way to landfill.
We love new ideas but what we need is ACTION and HELP!
Imagine what we could do with a larger army of active members with fresh ideas and energy to put them into action. Will you join us?
Zero Waste holds meetings on the last Tuesday of each month with Zoom connections for those who cannot make it in person. Everyone is welcome to attend and become part of the ZWMI community.
If you would like to be involved with our friendly team please contact us:

Island Magic - Positive Future?
The tapestry "Island Magic - Positive Future?" of Geoffrey Bay was hand stitched and woven from marine debris by the Ghost Net Collective, a subgroup of Zero Waste Magnetic Island and was hung in September 2023 at the Nelly Bay ferry terminal.
If you're visiting the terminal, be sure to read the interpretation notes beside the vending machine and encourage children to spot their favourite creatures woven into this beautiful artwork, and learn about some of the natural values mentioned in the notes.
Significant documents
Anne Prince - APC presentation on Magnetic Island (May 2023)
Julie Woodlock - Zero Waste Magnetic Island Presentation (2023 >)