Magnetic Island Transport Action Group
The objective of the Magnetic Island Transport Action (MITAG) is to work towards Magnetic Island having reliable, resilient and sustainable transportation systems, both public and private, for residents and visitors.
Meetings are usually held on the 4th Tuesday of each month.
Aniko Papp
0400 305 714
Magnetic Island Transport Action Group (MITAG) is a combination of individual community members with an interest in transport, and with the purpose to develop a plan to have improved transport services for the Island over the next 10-15 years - taking into consideration community and key stakeholder expectations, and emerging trends, such as electric vehicles.
Considerations to include in that plan are decarbonisation, sustainability, and systems that reflect the uniqueness of Magnetic Island and reflect its World Heritage values.
MITAG has been liaising with all levels of government and stakeholders and working on a number of themes which include:
Decarbonisation with the aim to include increasing electric vehicles (EV) penetration on the Island, reduction of car use, and increasing the uptake of public transport use, cycle ways and walkways
Road safety issues such as, speed limits on Island roads
Ferries and bus services, including connections and timetables
The cost of transport/ferries to and from the Island
EV for buses/public transport and hire cars
Nelly Bay car park
Uber services/rideshare for Islanders
Promote active transport and walking
Signage on our roads and road safety black spots.
Specific major projects that the group is currently working on include:
A MICDA/MINCA project with Queensland Parks Service and the Townsville City Council to connect the old Testra track (800m from the Horseshoe Bay main road in Arcadia) to the old Telstra track on the eastern side of the main road, which is currently used as a walking trail - as reflected in the draft Magnetic Island Trails - Vision Plan
Project to promote EV use on Magnetic Island
Project to establish a shared car pool system for Islanders (or a shared EV car/cars for Islanders)
Review of speed limits on the Island by Townsville Council
Installation of additional road safety and speed limits signs on Island where identified as needed for road safety reasons
Community engagement via information sessions with community groups
Conversion of an internal combustion engine (ICE) work ute to EV as a demonstration and community engagement project to inform and encourage the uptake of EV vehicles.
All members of the Magnetic Island community are welcome to be part of this group. The Group holds monthly meetings on the Island, with a Zoom link for those who cannot attend in person.
If you would like to come to a meeting, please contact the group coordinator, as shown above.

MITAG presentation to Magnetic Island Residents and Ratepayers (MIRRA) April 2024
MITAG made a presentation to MIRRA in April 2024 to update all residents on their current and future projects, and to welcome new participants to join. The main objective for this group is to work towards Magnetic Island having reliable, resilient and sustainable transportation systems, both public and private, for residents and visitors.

Magnetic Island Bus Survey August 2022
One of the first projects the Transport Working Group undertook was to survey locals and visitors to Magnetic Island regarding the current Sunbus service.