Magnetic Island Muso's Club
The Magnetic Island Musicians’ Club has been an Island icon for over 20 years. The club was initially conceived as an opportunity to play original music, which is still very much encouraged, but cover versions are also well received.
The Club meets from 6.30 to 10.00pm on the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Men’s Shed in Horseshoe Bay (located on Horseshoe Bay Road between the Rural Fire Brigade shed and the Skate Park).
Everyone is invited to attend our outdoor, open-mic style gatherings. The evening usually ends with an exciting but unpredictable jam session.
BYO everything (instrument, picnic rug, chair, refreshments) and donations will be gratefully received to help cover costs. Please see the MC early in the evening if you wish to perform, or prior arrangements can be made by texting 0456 951 059. A drum kit is also available by prior arrangement. There is wheelchair access to the venue and toilets.
Whether you sing, play or just enjoy the pleasure of listening to live music, please join us.
Steve Martland
0457 199 450
Come and support live and local music
All of our recent Club Nights have been held at the old Solar Cities facilities in Horseshoe Bay, managed by the Men's Shed. Mens' Shed do a great job with keeping the audience area freshly mown for our gigs. We have had at least 30 people at each gig and some nights up to 50. Most of them are audience and we manage to attract enough donations at each gig to pay our rent to Men's Shed.
Musos' only happens because of community involvement and the voluntary efforts of members and non-members.
The current committee is:
President - Steve Martland
Vice-President - Andrew (Swine) Hannah
Secretary - Peter Jackson
Treasurer - Michaelie (Kali) Pollard
Committee - Petra van den Berg
Committee - Danielle Ryan
Everybody and anybody is welcome to join us.
We have a BYOE policy - Bring Your Own Everything - seats, chairs, blankets, picnic rug, dinner, snacks, chippies, drinks, bicycles, instruments; whatever you need for a good night. Musos' will provide a PA system so we can hear you if you want to play or sing.
Like Magnetic Island Musos' Club on Facebook to keep up to date with our activities.